This is a hypertext file from Rae West's archives. It is not his work and is reproduced here, unedited, so readers may judge for themselves the views expressed in this file when it was freely available on Internet.
Link back to 'Why Science Cannot Cure Cancer and AIDS Without Your Help?' [Ling]

lp2e Haseltine, W.A.

in "More cases, same old question", The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 6, 1993, Review and Opinion, p.D1

"William A. Hasteltine, chief retro-virologist at the Harvard's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute told the prestigious French Academy of Sciences last fall: "The future of AIDS is the future of humanity", Haseltine said. "Unless the epidemic of AIDS is controlled, there is no predictable future for our species"

See also lf_listb cited above, and Mitchison, A., "Will We Survive?" Scientific American, September, 1993, pp.136-144.